Monday, September 6, 2010

And another thing...

The problem with me is that i think on my own varying wavelength.

Friday afternoon i was speaking with my Ben Friend (he is called my Ben Friend because he was never my friend, it used to be friends and Ben but he asked to be my friend so he is. Its not out of favouritism you see) and he said that piece of genius he said a while back "if everything went perfectly you'd be one of those couples we hate". If things really had gone perfectly then that would be the case and when he said it this time round i looked back on all the situations that lead up to this moment and honestly i wouldn't change them for crap. I thought that maybe things might just go to the way of the couples we hate but on saturday night i got the confirmation from inside my brain that at least for now im too afraid and too far from being that way.

Im not picking on anyone here but this moment just light a huge light bulb in my head. I was walkin with Gem, WD and her love companion and we were looking at stalls, we were by these beaded alphabet letters and those little things that you make bangles which have your name on it and stuff and i heard an exchange from the other pair that went something like, she said "ah look at these things they're letters" and he said "oh look there's one that says I love (insert his name here) on it" and then it got a bit too lovey dovey for me...

That might not sound bad and im probably just makin a huge deal out of nothing but in my mind i was like "WTF man, wtf. Do you realize what crap you guys are goin on about here hey? What is this? Some frikin childs play dream of candy canes and blowing dandilions in the wind?". I was really disturbed by this if im honest, i was so glad for the quick exit that was made. Maybe i just have no proper grasp of how things work and what girls want said to them which is probably why i would make a great chess player but really things like that sound a bit cliche in my ears. It just says to me that maybe, just maybe i might not end up that way if those sorta things scare me and make my skin crawl. I will say things to my other half that might border the lines of cliche in my ears and i know that like each to his own and stuff but this is my blog so i can put my view first and say that lord help me on the day i start carving her name into my arms with a sharpener blade and make statuses about "being jealous when other boys hug you cuz in those 5 seconds they held my whole world in their arms" bull man come on seriously, that sorta thing just does not happen in real life, well my real life anyway. If some homie tried their luck with my girl obviously i would get jealous regardless of who my girl was but im not about to go die because you sat on her lap while i went to get juicebox out the fridge.

Haha ah this was meant to be a short post about me thinking im hopefully far from being another cliche and an irrit and really just thinking about all the cliches is agitating me so much. Do I lack emotion? Do I just have an over inflated ego? Either way shoot me when i become a deaf blind dog

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