Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby its coming to an end...

I can see it now, it hurts but soon this will end. Im going to have to give you up soon and someone newer, faster, more attractive will have to take your place. If it were up to me i wouldn't let it happen. I would fix you up, a new face here, some touch ups there. I dont wanna have to lose you. We came to be by chance, my love for music and your ability to full fill is what brought us together. I remember so long ago when we first met, i didnt know at the time that we would fall in love and i doubt you did as well but its happened and i loved every minute of it. You were with me on many adventures, nights spent in public bathrooms with sheets, walking in the wrong direction down roads for ages, being sucker punched by eye drops, who'll forget the countless boring movies and long sessions on the john. You were also there when the power died and the need to irritate a house full of people struck, not complaining once i dropped you in my hasty retreats from flying shoes. You've been my lifeline with the outside world. My personal way of getting my fix, telling me of the movements of my boys and not begrudging me a fact or two. Sure others may look at you now and see the scars and marks of time but when i look at you i see past that, i see the one who made it possible for me to be happy, one that sacrificed themselves for my gain, you stuck by me when things got tough, didnt ask for much when the sun shone again. Im a heartless fool for writing all this with you so able to see it but you know how its become. You fail sometimes. You blink out when i have to put down my thoughts and have a knack for keeping me on edge sometimes. I know you're old and i expect so much from you but everything you do doesn't go unnoticed. I will keep you until you blink out for the last time, until your back cover unintentionally slides for the last time and you implode in a glorious inverted fireball. My special telephone, I love you, t'was heaven here with you

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