Monday, August 9, 2010

All that glitters isn't always gold...

It's not always easy starting these things because trying to put a bunch of jumbled words into sensible order is nearly as tolling as trying to manhandle a cow up a staircase. When everyone suddenly becomes worked up by things they can't control like the emotions and thoughts of others then you know you have a problem...

I may be wrong and i really wouldn't mind being wrong on this one but if my dear Ben friend has fallen into ways that only humans understand like the pulling grips of emotion then even I have to worry, if he can fall victim to things like that then what does that say about. The rest of us. Personally I've decided that if I can only just emulate a tiny bit of his level headedness in things that require emotions then I would be sorted, I wouldn't be in a situation where I made complete fool of myself for trusting unquestioningly.

Something that grinds my gears is when people knowing fully well that as human we like to appreciate things, go out and make a point of getting something nice and then freaking out when someone admires it. If I had a hot girlfriend I wouldn't feel bad or intimidated if someone were to tell that they thought she was hot. You buy a frikin Bentley then catch a rage when someone compliments it? It's that sorta attitude that puts people in a bad light and I understand that its something expensive but before you get too big for your boots just remember, it's a VW Phaeton with the glitter of fake high performance and opulence, not much separates you from the man who drives a taureg...

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