Friday, August 20, 2010

I might've over cooked it but it still functions pretty well

This is my second attempt at makin words today, just now i kinda just stared at my keypad not knowing what to write but at certain times during the day i have so much i wanna put down but when i try write it, nothing...

My brain has worked itself to a stand still, all i want are the little men in my head to have a party or my body needs a party and the little men should just go to sleep and let me run on auto pilot, imagine how that would tickle.

Too many people complain that had they had enough time they would've achieved so much in life but when you think about it there is always time to do the things you want to do its just that we like to limit ourselves with stupid things that when you come to think of it have no consequence at all. I've been thinkin about that this whole day and like I've said before too many people claim to be all hardcore and live life by their own rules but as soon as anything they do is questioned or frowned upon, they scurry away into a dark corner and complain about how hard life is and how no one gives them a break. Watching Top Gear now and these guys dont really mind whats going on. Sure it is a tv show and its made to be at its most entertaining but just follow for a second their way of thinkin and how it does filter into their real lives and you'll see how they make a good case of thinking for themselves.

We aren't all designed to think for ourselves, some of us are followers and some of us are revolutionary howzits who walk to the beat of their own drum. Me? Im not sure where i am, i would like to think im somewhere in the middle of that, individual enough to make my own decisions but humble enough to follow advice when needed.

I crave a bit of adventure. Lookin back over the year, its pretty evident that I've been spoilt for excitement but now that I've had a bit of downtime i want more, im a fat jew after his first win the slot machines... I want to be open to new experiences but not going out of my way like a fool doing every silly stupid thing that comes to me in some sorta way that makes me look like a headless chicken runnin around not knowin where im going. I want it to be there but i dont want it to be the be all and end all of who i am.

The problem with writing this thing and taking gaps to think is that most of it wont make sense and i wont go back to make it make sense because i dont go about puttin my thoughts into pretty little orders with colour coded folders and sticky notes. I dont condone stupidity in actions at all but an open mind is needed

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