Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today I cried...

Today i cried but not tears of pain and anguish but tears from so much laughter. I've seen people cry when they laugh and i thought it was kinda weird like the other day this girl was laughing so much she started crying cuz her triangle was tiny, who does that? But anyway the Watch Dog tells me she's gettin me insurance and i just couldn't help but burst out in laughter and tears like in the cartoons with streaming torrents of water comin out their eyes. It made me think of that one time in that one shop and that wasn't helping at all cuz it just made me laugh even harder so im sittin on the couch trying to watch tv and calm my laughter while everyone is kinda staring at me and nothing i tried would stop my little seizure. Its nice tho to know that she pulls a Sanlam and thinks ahead.

When i awake it shall be friday and my waitin would have paid off. I'll miss free practices even tho i only have 40 minutes of school 2morrow which im not keen for at all, waste of time in my eyes but alas i shall venture on. My mind just drifted back there to funny thoughts that made me laugh and shake my head, ah i must get to bed or I'll never sort myself out in the morning

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