Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Premonition or idle fear

Its 4 in the morning and what better time to post.

I just woke from an interesting dream... I dreamt i was on mxit speakin to kirst and her status was "Tyler and Ross" and it was pretty much a sign of the people she had something goin with, i wasn't suprised because i knew that during our time together i hadn't been number one so i asked her about it but got nothing of value out of her. Then i was speakin to Gem and suddenly im face with an in love face for a person i didnt know about and countless explainations that meant crap all to me. What suprises me is how i handled it, surely there should've been some form of suprise, anger and hurt but all it was, was curiosity. I know I've been able to suprise myself like that before cuz with the stace situation i felt feathers when it came to anger and suchness all i wanted to know was who he was and i moved on. Unfortunately i woke up before i got the answer i was looking for which kinda bums me out cuz i was genuinely curious, who was this person kept underwraps from me and for what reason, where had he sprung up from and why did i have to find out in such a fashion?

The thing about my dreams is that they have an alarming way of boardering on reality, i learnt how to ride a bike through dreams and sometimes they're idle fantasy. Was this my minds eye's way of tellin me to buck up or was i dispelling negativity? During the explainations i had made the decision to cut ties and not let anything linger for longer, i had tried my best and it had proved fruitless so the next move was to start fresh somewhere new with no feelings of regret because it happened, i was greatful but life carries on, at a faster pace than before. The great thing about that is thats exactly how i would handle a situation like that in real life, no need to get cut up by things like that I've already had my emotional stage and now inside me lives a brain ready enough to deal with such extremes and they weigh comfortable yet unpreferable in it.

The funny bit is how in one way or another all those names are linked, premonition or idle fear? I haven't quite decided yet

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