Friday, August 13, 2010

Dont come too close, you dont wanna see my ghosts

Something really powerful about those nights where you decide to take time off for you and just mellow out in your own company. If you dont like your own company then you have a real problem cuz who else knows you the best than yourself?

Interesting conversation with Kirk tonight... If my Ben friend is someone who is level headed with things that involve interactions with humans then she most definately has to be the female version, except i like her words more cuz her and i seem to be on the same wave length. I honestly didnt expect that from a 14 year old. When both the above mentioned people start to get a bit soft and tender in the space of a coupla days between them then something must really be in the water cuz tonight i saw another side of a girl i thought i understood fairly well. Such openness scares me cuz i dont know how to handle things like that really if I've learnt one thing in my long years on this planet its to never let your happiness be determined by the decisions of others and if i have to help in making decisions that aren't mine to make then i dont know whats up? Haha ah its not like im playing at some game where im the main component im just giving advice to a friend but even then i feel weird knowin that those words i say may affect your decision and the life of some third party i know nothing of.

Haha ah racked my brain after all that but now I've calmed down to a state of something resembling normality which I'll savour, I'll accept a kiss from lifes lush lips....

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