Thursday, August 12, 2010

Keeping our wits about us, our fists are powerless

Oh boy, what more can I say. I swear my life has become one of those cheap little soap operas we all just love to hate with their useless plots and predictable events...

Well I'll start with tuesday, I had a rather unenjoyable time at school if im very honest the only good moment was when Eunice was having a rant at how useless we students are but really what do you expect from a place where not even the fish look nice? I went home feeling so tired only to be told I had to go to the bank for reasons i couldn't quite fathom, it makes no difference whether I went yesterday or today but either way i would end up in the bank doin absolutely nothing but waiting in line. I then took the most brilliant crap and when i was savouring it at the most i realized i lost my memory card out my phone, its not a dignified sight lookin at someone searchin the bathroom with their pants by their ankles, I always thought I'd be doin somethin with my pants by my ankles but not that...

And then the phone call... Oh my word my whole being has never ever experienced anything like that before. I had Bloc Party on during the whole one hour and twenty two minutes of that phone call and I was either really stupid or a genius to have them playing because everything that was said to me was being said by them and I was quite freaked out by that. "I wanted things to work out but I know that the chance has gone, I have so much to say but everything is so crazy" hear that in one ear and at the very same time you hear "We were hoping for some romance, all we found was more despair. We must talk about our problems. We are in a state of flux" that may not make sense but to me it rang loud and that wasn't the only one there were so many that for a moment I was begining to believe that maybe it was a sign to either forgive or really genuinely listen to what she had to say and I listened intently, heck I was open wide. The silences weren't because I had nothing to say but because there was just so much and to try catch flying words in your head and lay them down in order at that time was so hard, I would've preferred to train lions to survive off nuts...

Today I have no choice but to face the day again and Im the least bit keen to do so, I would happily leave my brain under my bed for a while and go around in a zombie like state just to have a clear head for a moment.

"I never told you cuz I dont tell anyone these things I just let them speak about theirs" and then the song speaks your words for you "You should've asked me then, I would had been brave. You should've asked me for, how could I say no?". "I wanted to when we were on the jungle gym" and you get "I should've kissed you by water". There was also "I hate feeling this way" and they sing in my other ear "Who said unbroken happiness is a bore? Is a bore? Who said it my love? I dont mind it, anymore, anymore"

There were just so many and I cant remember them word for word but if I could I would've kept a little record of it all just to relive that moment. Now I've just given up my half hours worth of sleep writing this post and the day looms ahead... Joy

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