Monday, August 16, 2010

They want to be in your shoes because I want to be in your pants

Oh boy today was a day i enjoyed, not alota stressful work and lots of entertainment...

My ego was really boosted when 3 offers to start something came to me from no where. I will happily admit that on a day to day basis i dont get those sorta things so for it to happen 3 times in one day is honestly quite a suprise to me and it felt even better turning them down granted 2 of them were from haggard ass girls i wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Usually i'd feel bad about being so blunt but its good that they know what i think because enough of the stupid conversations and the touching me when im not paying attention, i have other commitments that highly out value you. You look like a David Coulthard with burnt popcorn kernels for teeth obviously i want nothing to do with you i would've thought you'd realized that by now seeing as i still dont know your name and i went straight home after you'd asked if i'd ever get with you.

On a whole different note i haven't laughed that much in school in ages, i think its become a sport to rip on Arifa Haha shame man she's a nice little girl

A: Can i go?
N: No!
A: Gosh
N: Who you calling gosh? Who's your fxxkin Gosh?!

Ah that destroyed me to bits and then i came across some of the names of people who go to my school, names you wouldn't really associate with a birth certificate. Things like Marvelous, Goodness, Queeneth, Lancelot, Immaculate, Physician, Memorial, Cosmas, Decent, Brilliant, Comfort, Fredman and Magnifisent... All first names as well i spent a good half hour searching through the lists laughing but even though those names are quite something i still maintain that Owlbreath will be the perfect name for my daughter, my little mini Abigail Breslin...

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