Saturday, August 21, 2010

On the other side of drunken ramblings

I have been inebriated and on mxit many times before and its like another world there, talkin to people you usually dont and saying things you shouldn't have and being reminded about it in the morning, really funny. Just the other day i was told that i had spoken to a doll from school whilst in that state and i can recollect nothing of that conversation.

Last night it was my turn to be bombarded on the sober side. Gem had half a beer again and was trying to make sense to me but i cant read a whole sentence having no vowels but after a while she got used to the whole letters on a keypad make proper words thing and started makin sense. James also had half a beer but it seems that when she has half a beer she suddenly becomes quite the intellectual which really suprised me, lots of big words she used and spelt reasonably correctly most of the time.

On one side of it, conversation was about how heaven has blessed me and on the other side James was relishing the fact that she has a boyfriend in Scunthorpe, to quote her words he was her prince charming, clichéd but it worked.

Im not about to give away contents of those message tabs but all i can say is that i will succeed in my plan for a skipped race weekend. Its Spa next weekend, the favourite track of most race drivers, the one race I've been waiting a whole year for and if things go my way i shant be at home in front of the tv...

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