Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is how it should be

The weather is just perfect...

I've waited for this moment to come since monday now, knowing that im done with school for the week and i can sleep in on a friday morning, im too amped. I was offered to skip school today but i went because i kinda had to but also because its just not the same if i had spent today at home along with tomorrow and the rest of my weekend, thats just overkill.

I saw a strange sight today. I saw a hobo sleeping on the pavement in broad daylight and he had a little wood fire next to him, kinda like something you would see Bear Grylls do. I've slept next to a fire before and its great granted you aren't sleepin next to a blanket hog who will push you into the fire and set you alight just so they can be warm while you're cold on sand in the early hours of the mornin with only bobby not on awake but to do it in the middle of town where everyone is walking, isn't that a bit much? I have nothing against hobos and everything but i think its kinda silly how some choose that life over comfort and normality, i mean i honestly wouldn't go live in the streets of durban just because im findin it tough to get a job or get through school, why not stick it out and at least make living a bit more comfortable?

Spa next weekend, not the beauty place but a place of beauty in itself. Its a racing circuit and F1 returns makin it the end of my miserable 3 weeks and my luck can finally pick up again. I probably will miss the race tho if push comes to shove which im hoping it will cuz digital affection is great and everything but in my day everything was analogue

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