Wednesday, August 18, 2010

China was onto something when they started eating dogs

Two hours into my day and after a lacklustre shower im on mxit and i get a message from the Watch Dog which im sure she tried to make out to be innocent by adding a smile face at the end, i knew what was coming and i thought really screw it lets see what she has to say, can she play these games?

I've never been a huge fan of jack russels really, cocky little bastards that are just too hardcore for everyone and think they can take on whoever they please hence i never feel bad when i see one lying dead on the side of the road, i kinda thank sigh in relief, someone out there has been spared from such a menace. Funny how this should fit the topic?

Anyway this morning the Watch Dog is goin on about thing i kinda forgot about which meant nothing to me, basically something about how things shouldn't be this way and that i was a fool to forgive and i should go climb down a huge chute and park off in the darkness with rats and gators and then she drops this jewel of a message that had me in such a great mood this whole day, i obviously corrected the spelling cuz im still not fluent in retard yet.

"I know and i get that but if this really means so much to the both of you as you guys say it does then why hide it.. There comes a time where you have to come out about it... But i know em she's easily pursuaded and easy to quiet when it gets tough and its not gonna be easy at all... I mean she cant even tel her family and really what kinda relationship is that... Em doesn't know what she really wants.. Because she did like ross and liked kissing him but... Why doesn't she want that with you?"

Ah i haven't laughed that much in ages, somethin before that about how she is perfectly fine with her friends decisions and yet you contradict yourself so openly thinkin you were somehow more cleverer and a lot more witty than me? Come now my girl lets be real here i passed pre school and left the behaviour behind...

Firstly whoever she decides to tell about anything she does is her baby, i didnt tell anyone anything because i didnt see the big deal of advertising something so common yet clearly unseen in your world, secondly i love how you undermine your friends will and judgement. Now i know my friends have their strength and weaknesses and they know i have my own but i would think being a friend would atleast give you more faith in them than just to plainly shoot them down to every person around and this isn't the first time you've said a thing like this to me or a number of people in fact i cant think of a few situations where i found myself doubting your credibilty after a few things you've said about your supposed friend, thirdly, im not holding her against her will, if she feels she should be making eyes at someone else then she can feel free, "emma you may go on your own way i wont contest at all, this is my formal way of saying you're free to do whatever the hell you choose, i can live without you but i choose not to"

Ah the Watch Dog really knows how to put me in a good mood, after the interrogation i was runnin late for school but i declined being dropped off cuz i was too keen to mission on my own to school today. I thought about bringin music along but my brain shut that idea down hard, how the hell am i meant to enjoy the cacophony inside with something else trying to drown it out. An hour's trip was done in about 45 minutes or so which suprisingly left me enough time to get to my first class before the teacher, i would've walked straight past my school had i not been stopped by robots, i nearly got run over twice today but thats ok im still in one piece and feeling so much better about it

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