Monday, August 9, 2010

Comatose life overdose...

Wow my brain hasn't been this fried in ages. Spent the last chunk of my lifetime helping Scunthorpe with his project and the sorta discussions that spring up when the mind and soul are at war magic...

The drama that we've all personally gone through alone whilst in the company of others has been in quite something else for all of us. I can honestly say that to be always wondering isn't as fun as the make it out to be on tv.

I don't enjoy my inner state right now but when you have to watch someone else go through something worse than what you are its just as comfortable as being stabbed. Here's an oaf who put his all in his efforts to please the one he cares the most about despite the jeers and leering looks of others, to be as so blind as to not to notice that must really make you a proper pillock I'm sorry

When you're under the influence of potent dog farts you appreciate those little moments of success, be it writing words correctly for the third time without gagging or something else I can't think up right now

Spoke to Kirby today and shame man she's really trying to sell me on the idea of total and utter Buddhist forgiveness and I'm not sure if I could ever with stand a request from Kirby, will this time be a bit much? Hell if I can't even think of a mate in a positive light then how the hell am I meant to be a buddhist

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