Monday, August 16, 2010

I am trying to be heroic in an age of modernity

I gave it some thought while i was in the shower and im actually pretty old school in some respects...

Little Boy always said I was an old man and he's right i mean i really am. When i come to think of it im so behind in so many things its kinda frightening and weird, i always thought of myself to be up to date with everything i needed to be. I dont own a Blackberry, im very happy with my cellphone that sends and receives calls and text messages and does the internet things with i pay for and i can go on fandangle things like mxit, twitter and facebook. I dont download full albums of music i like to get one song at a time because i still relish the thought of enjoying a song on a one on one basis, i dont heat up my milk in the microwave because i always thought that coffee should be mixed with somethin cold to make it normal? I dont read online books because a hardcopy always seems to be the proper way to do it

At first i thought that those things made me somewhat normal but i realize now that they are just a cover to hide my ignorance.

Now i hear of this thing called being 'together'. Now i know im old fashioned when a word breeds such confusion in my old tinkering mind. When i was a youth it worked like this, you liked someone you'd tell them and if they shared your interest then you asked them to be your girlfriend and you started a relationship that would possibly one day end up in marriage, now however things have changed? It seems that now you can be friends with benefits which is where you can have as much fun together but still keep yourselves at friendship level, being together which from my understanding means something or other, an open relationship where you are in a committed relationship but if you see someone you fancy you are then allowed to do whatever you want with that person whilst your other half is probably sittin with their friends unawares of the dirty goin on behind their back and they cant complain cuz they agreed to it so they have no claim whatsoever. When Kayleigh said her and I were together some time back i was like ok cool whatever the hell that means and it came to me that in her understanding it means that you are bound to that person and they take preference over everyone else but if you should choose it is ok to have a little thing goin on the side as long as it doesn't distract from your main interest, what the hell man why not just go skiing with a dog and say its chilled i left the cat at home? See that made no sense?

Personally and this is where my old fashionedness shines through, this together business is a prologue to something that should be great and im not gonna taint it by having little things on the side that distract from my main focus. Im learning here but i dont want you to be my case study...

My next step in my modernization is to try my hand at fax to email, sure its been around for ages but i still dono how to fax for crap

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